Thursday, May 6, 2010

Steal vs. Splurge: Studded Sunglass Edition

A few months back when I was thumbing through the March issue of Marie Claire, I stumbled upon these sunglasses. I instantly fell in love with them because of its retro vibe. Looking at the magazine it appeared as if the design was rhinestones/diamonds but as you can see in the picture below it is actually outlined in the design of a zipper. According to, the retail price is $365.

A few weeks later when i was shopping with some people at a store called Citi Trends (which is a store that sells urban labels at a discounted price), I happened to stumble across a pair of shades that reminded me of those Alexander Wang sunglasses. I thought they were so amazing. The icing on the cake was they are only $3.99. Yes you read that right, $3.99. lol.



Okay I know they are not the same exact style but they are pretty freaking close. I also don't know how long $3.99 sunglasses will hold up but I plan on wearing them until they break. *crosses fingers that they don't*. I think I would definitely shell out the $365 for the Wang. Just decided to share this information with you guys.



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