Saturday, June 25, 2011

Queen Helene Masques Review

I love these masks. They really leave my skin with a clean feeling. I've had both of these for over a year and i still havent gone half way through the tube (an i use them about a couple times a month). Both of these are under $5 and work really well. I think a mask should be a staple in every skin regimen. Even if you don't have any of the problems that they claim to fix, this is a great way to refresh your skin.


Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque

It claims: "Helps dry up acne pimples, rinse away blackheads, & shrink enlarged pores".

I think if you use this product everyday for a couple days it will definitely get rid of acne. When I have a pimple i will either sleep with this on the pimple or leave it on for 20-30 minutes and I already notice the pimple reduce in size and redness.

As for getting rid of blackheads and shrinking enlarged pores, it hasn't done that for me. Maybe if I used it 3-4 times a week it would do that, but i just haven't had noticed either one of those problems diminish or go away.

This masque really leaves my skin feeling clean once I rinse it off. I also like that this doesn't have that many ingredients in it (11 total).


Queen Helene Mud Pack Masque

Claims: Old-Fashioned, time-tested treatment to soften lines and tighten sagging skin.

Although I dont have many lines or sagging skin I notice my skin does feel softer and tighter after using this. This is my least favorite out of the two but I still like it. I like to use it when I'm tired of using the mint julep.


I would recommend getting them both so you can alternate but you could only get one I would choose the Mint Julep Mask. These masks feel like they extract all of the impurities out of your skin.

Have you tried any of these?



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